5963 PL - to do
put in the supporting poles, downstairs

have tree at corner of house removed

   per Orkin's recommendation, the tree was only trimmed back, for now
   tree trimmed back, 8-23-10

have structural inspection #2 (the whole front entranceway, from the roof to the hot water heater crawlspace)


   hot water heater:

      purchase elapsed-time meters (and surface mounts (bases))
         meters purchased, 6-1-10
         surface mounts (bases) purchased, 6-8-10

      save up money for electrician, to have them installed

   rest of home:

      replace refrigerator

      save up to purchase a Kill-A-Watt meter
         Kill-A-Watt meter purchased, 12-17-09

      finish purchasing the Bioizer CFL bulbs (need 6 more)

        the amount is saved up, and paid to my Modern Woodmen Visa, but can't be ordered yet due to a delay
           with the Nardone organization (see www.catalyst-pat.weebly.com) for details

      then, replace all of those, plus the appliance bulbs and the decorative bulbs in the chandelier in the front
         foyer, with LED bulbs - however, the Bioizer bulbs seem to be keeping me from getting sick, so my goal is
         to do the appliance bulbs, and the decorative bulbs in the chandelier, first